Saturday, 3 August 2013

5 Things bizarre sex found in studies

Sex is one area that always stirs controversy. Information is diverse and colorful, and seemingly never enough. That is why researchers are all sorts of studies and keep us abreast of new discoveries. Here are seven things discovered bizarre sex education, according to

1. Men with belly "hold" more

Over time, size men are "rounded". And it seems that this is in their favor. At least, that according to a study published in The International Journal of Impotence Research. It was found, after some research involving many different weight rule that men with a higher body mass index maintained a lay up to five minutes longer than men "held that the ring". Researchers explanation would be that fat contains a hormone called estradiol that slows the ability to ejaculate. However, too much fat leads to erectile dysfunction disease who suffer most obese men.
2. Sex toys can lower libido

According to studies conducted in the Netherlands by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research, looks like some sex toys contain increased concentrations of phthalates. In contact with genital tract, these chemicals contribute long-term to lower sex hormone, which affects libido.

3. The link between female orgasm and feet

A study at the University of Groningen has revealed that women can raise the rate of orgasms by up to 80% if you wear socks while having sex. Researchers say cold feet prevent women quietly enjoy a game of love. Explanation would be that area of ​​the brain associated with sexual pleasure is very close to the area that "feels" foot comfort. The study appeared in the book "Free Women's brain power", written by Dr. Daniel Amen.

4. Bad odor and safer sex

Researchers at the University of New Mexico found that young people tend to use condoms more often when you are in a room that smells bad, than in one that smells nice. Scientists say that after unpleasant smell, the brain enters a state of alert and automatically, the man has a tendency to protect themselves from diseases.

5. Number of sexual partners depends on your family

A group of researchers at Florida Atlantic University says the number of sex partners who have over life has a lot to do with members of their families. More specifically, the first born has fewer sexual partners and married faster than do the second or third born. The explanation? Older siblings identify more with their parents because they are the first models that I see in life. Younger siblings do not have the same expectations and limitations that have several models.

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