Saturday 10 August 2013

Family hopes for a girl, gets 12th boy

A FAMILY in Michigan in the United States welcomed their 12th child. And, shocker, it’s a boy — just like the other 11.
Jay and Kateri Schwandt believed the latest baby might break the gender streak, especially after Kateri, known as Teri, was nine days past her due date. That was unusual for her pregnancies.
But it was hardly a game-changer as a nurse at a Grand Rapids hospital announced delivery of another boy.
Tucker weighed in at 3.52 kilograms.

“Of course. There was a chuckle in the whole room,” Teri, 38, said on Thursday.

“I looked at my husband, and we exchanged a knowing smile. When they say it’s a boy, I think, OK, no problem. I’ve got this. We know what we’re doing.”

Tyler is the oldest son at 21. When the school year starts, three Schwandt boys will be in high school, while five brothers are in lower grades. That leaves three more at home with Teri.
The Schwandts, who live north of Grand Rapids, consider themselves devout Roman Catholics who don’t believe in using birth control and put the size of their family in God’s hands. Teri comes from a family of 14 kids. But she’s not the only member of her own family committed to the cause.

She has a sister in the Detroit area, Kate Osberger, who has 10 children of her own. Yep, all sons.

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